SimultanProjekte 2019
„Sometimes, I work with people who are musically savvy and are more than just living room singers. Every now and then, I get someone who really wants to get into it and so I share what I know with them. They should know it because music is a bridge across large spans of time. One of the mechanisms that human beings have invented for communicating between the distant past and distant future is culture. That’s one of the ways that Johann Sebastian Bach sent a message to us. It’s one of the ways that Tansen, temple singers in India or West African griots sent messages to us. As David McCullough said, ‚They weren’t living in the past. They live in the present just like us.‘ So, how do you send a message from one present to another present? Well, you don’t just yell. You have to do something else. There’s a mechanism for that and that mechanism is called culture. That’s how we send messages to the present that comes later. Once I understood that, the connection to climate change activism became very obvious. That realization showed me that we are all parts of a chain of transmission that depends on continuance. It depends on the idea that there is no last link. So, doing whatever is possible in my own life to ensure that there is a future to fill with music is crucial.“
— Warren Senders, „Man with Sign“
(December 16, 2018)
Der medienübergreifend arbeitende Künstler und Musiker Harkeerat Mangat organisiert seine Filme und Performances wie Kompositionen, die verschiedene Realitäten miteinander verweben. Auf dem Schulhof der Simultanhalle lädt er zu einem Konzert ein, das sich der Verschränkung von zwei unterschiedlichen Narrationen widmet, die von Marktschreiern, Protest und der Präsenz ineinandergreifender Zeitlichkeit erzählt.
Für den SimultanhalleProjekte Performance-Tag inszeniert Harkeerat Mangat das Jungenspiel „Die Jagd nach der grünen Mappe“ von Erich Colberg aus dem Jahr 1939 sowie ein zuvor aufgezeichnetes Interview mit dem klassischen Musiker und Klimaschützer Warren Senders.