Since its inception in 1990, the Förderverein Simultanhalle Köln-Volkhoven e. V. has remained a non-profit member owned art association, with exhibitions, education services, and cooperation projects amongst its primary tasks. Actively engaged in efforts to preserve the Simultanhalle as a building, the association maintains contact with responsible figures in the municipal administration.
Appreciative of its role in civil society, the association sees itself as a forum for lively debate and exchange, reflecting the diversity of society and open to everyone. It strongly opposes all forms of exclusion, discrimination, and racism while supporting exhibitions by emerging artists and curators.
The Förderverein Simultanhalle Köln-Volkhoven e. V. is a member of the council of German art associations, the ADKV – Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Kunstvereine, and the AIC, Art Initiatives Cologne.
Förderverein Simultanhalle Köln-Volkhoven e. V.
Volkhovener Weg 209-211
50765 Köln
Lisa Oord, first chairperson
Kriz Olbricht, second chairperson
Anna Schütten, treasurer
Marie Gentges, secretary
Honorary member: Eva Janošková
Patrons, supporters, and sponsors since 1983:
Kulturamt der Stadt Köln
Kunststiftung NRW
Stiftung Kulturwerk VG Bild-Kunst Bonn
Wunderkammer Stiftung
Gaffel Kölsch
Ströer Medien
Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
NRW Kultursekretariat Wuppertal
Fonds Soziokultur
Stiftung City-Treff
Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst am Museum Ludwig
Bürgerstiftung Köln
In cooperation with: